Course code 07 53 3703 20
ECTS credits 1
Course title in the language of instruction
Course title in Polish Przedsiębiorczość
Course title in English
Language of instruction Polish
Course level first-cycle programme
Course coordinator dr Anita Fajczak-Kowalska
Course instructors
Delivery methods and course duration
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 20 0 20
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 1.00 0.00
Course objective
  1. To present to students essence, characteristics and types of entrepreneurship
  2. To familiarise students with the procedure of starting a business venture in Poland
  3. To create skills of solving selected entrepreneurial problems in the turbulent business environment
Learning outcomes
  1. Upon completion of the subject the student can/is able to:
  2. Present the essence, characteristics and types of entrepreneurship
  3. Recognise psychological and sociological abilities to taking up entrepreneurship entrepreneurial activities
  4. Adhere to the procedure of setting up a business for a given organisational and legal form
  5. Describe barriers and stimulators of entrepreneurial activities in business practice
  6. Solve selected entrepreneurial problems in turbulent business environment
Assessment methods
Effects 1, 2 - written assignment
Effects 3, 4 - written assignment, activity during the course
Effect 5 - activity during the course

No requirements.
Course content with delivery methods
1. Essence, characteristics and types of entrepreneurship
2. Psychological and sociological conditions of entrepreneurship development. Features of entrepreneurs
3. Small and medium-sized enterprises as a result of entrepreneurial activities
4. Procedure of starting a business venture in Poland
5. Barriers and stimulators of entrepreneurial activities in business practice
6. Modern entrepreneurial challenges in turbulent business environment
Basic reference materials
  1. Markowski W.: ABC small businessu. Jak otworzyć i prowadzić własną firmę, Marcus, Łódź, kolejne edycje.
  2. Matejun M. (red.): Zarządzanie małą i średnią firmą w teorii i w ćwiczeniach, Difin, Warszawa 2012.
  3. Piecuch T.: Przedsiębiorczość. Podstawy teoretyczne, C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2010.
Other reference materials
  1. Borowiecki R., Siuta-Tokarska B.: Problemy funkcjonowania i rozwoju małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce, Difin, Warszawa 2008.
  2. Matejun M., Szymańska K. (red.): Perspektywy rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w warunkach niepewności i ryzyka, Wydawnictwo PŁ, Łódź 2013
  3. Strużycki M. (red.): Przedsiębiorczość w teorii i praktyce, SGH w Warszawie, Warszawa 2006.
Average student workload outside classroom
Last update 2019-05-14 14:55:42